At B Hygienic we encourage people to get screened, perform checks and be aware of body changes. Cancer of the testicle is one of the less common cancers, and tends to mostly affect men between 15 and 49 years of age. Testicular cancer is unusual compared with other cancers because
B Hygienic and B Clean have partnered with Big Blue Ocean Cleanup to become an Official Sustainable Partner. Their Ocean activist network runs a huge number of coastal clean-ups all over the world each year. The mission is to drive positive change towards clean oceans that support all marine
In 2020 we launched B Clean – a sister company of B Hygienic. The purpose of B Clean initially was to focus on the much needed sourcing of supplies during the pandemic. This allowed us to ensure we could provide hand sanitizer, PPE and products or services which supported
At B Hygienic we love to get involved with Cervical Cancer Awareness and encouraging screening. We value organisations such as Lady Garden Foundation, Eve Appeal and Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust as their work to raise awareness and offer support is so important. Our Team held a virtual quiz this week
@ellesillustrations wonderful design for Cervical Screening Awareness week. With all that’s going on it would be easy for forget or delay your smear – please don’t, please save your life by getting the check- you matter
Good luck to all the businesses opening tomorrow. We wish you all the best & success. To all those going out to celebrate having hair cuts, drinks in the pub or meals out please be safe, respect the changes and enjoy.