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Simpler Recycling – prepare for March 2025

Recycling is a crucial practice for preserving our environment and conserving resources. However, it can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially when it comes to sorting and preparing items for recycling. Fortunately, maintaining good hygiene practices can not only streamline the recycling process but also contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.

The National ‘Simpler Recycling’ reforms under DEFRA regulations announced in October, mean all businesses in the UK – and organisations like hospitals and schools – must have separate food waste and recycling collections in place by the end of March 2025.

Who does it apply to?

Businesses with 10 or more full time equivalent employees will have to begin separating both dry recyclable and food waste streams for collection by March 31st 2025 with recyclable plastic film to be collected by March 31st 2027. If you’re a smaller business, with fewer than ten full-time employees, you’ve got until 31 March 2027, but it’s a good idea to take the opportunity to comply early – one less thing to worry about!

What can be recycled?

Recyclable materials to be separated from general waste include: Glass such as drinks bottles and rinsed empty food jars
Metal such as drinks cans and food tins
Plastic such as rinsed empty food containers and bottles
Paper such as old newspapers and envelopes
Cardboard such as delivery boxes and packaging
Food waste including tea bags, coffee grounds, leftovers or waste generated by food preparation (NB. There is no minimum amount for food waste)

What preparation is required?

Getting into a good practise now is the best way to be ready for the implementation next March. Having recycling stations is the easiest way to set this up.
At B Hygienic we have 3 units currently – one cardboard, one for glass & metal and a general waste – this is helping staff understand the need to change our habits – all items are rinsed and put into the correct recycling unit.

Please get in touch with us if you would like any more information – we can help with your recycling station options.