September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month
The 5 types of gynae cancers are cervical, ovarian, vaginal, vulval and womb.
The purpose of an awareness month is designed to provide information about the different types of cancer and how they affect people. The gynae cancers all relate to the female reproductive system. Raising awareness is so important to improve early diagnosis.
Cancer screening tests are used to find people who may have cancer or who may need treatment or monitoring to prevent cancer from developing. A cervical screening is a way of preventing cervical cancer, early stages may not cause symptons so screening is vital. Currently there are no screening programmes for other gynaecological cancers. Symptoms can vary depending on the type but if you have any unusual symptons please don’t delay booking an appointment with your GP.
For support or to find out more about gynae cancers you can visit:
Period poverty means a lack of access to menstrual products and facilities, most often experienced by low income families who cannot afford them.
The UK government has introduced a funding scheme to allow free feminine hygiene products in schools and colleges.
A recent survey by Action aid showed that nearly half (46%) of women who struggled to afford sanitary products in the last 6 months kept sanitary pads or tampons in for longer, or used tissues and 10% doubled up their underwear.
We are supporting the government scheme at B Hygienic by providing solutions for free vend dispensers. This will allow more businesses and settings to provide hygiene products for those who may need them.
Our team are happy to help with any enquiries you may have and support ways to help prevent period poverty.
Back in the day our ‘Queen of Tampax’ Director, Vicki Allen, used to visit businesses and ask to speak to the person ‘who deals with ladies welfare’. What she really meant was, can I talk to anyone who deals with your sanitary disposal and period products, but this wasn’t the way things were spoken about. Hardly surprising given this was in a time when period products were passed over the counter in a brown paper bag and men were asked if they wanted condoms using the phrase “something for the weekend Sir”.
It may be surprising though that this stigma still exists in many workplaces.
In fact even now 85% of UK women feel stressed or anxious when managing with their period at work.
People menstruate. Fact. Period. It is completely normal and natural, yet there is still so much embarassment, uncomfortable moments when discussing periods. Everyone in this world either menstruates or cares about someone who menstruates – why is the shame still there? If you’ve hidden a tampon up your sleeve, sneaked a pad in your bra on the way to the loo, you will know what we are talking about (74% of us).
Organisations can make a difference, with simple practical changes. It is not just about free period products, providing the provision of period products is important but also ensuring access to toilets is provided. Being able to be open about periods, staff members improving their thinking and learning – not just being a tick box exercise. In the UK there is a period product scheme to provide free products and women in state schools and up to 19 in education organisations.
It seems now is the right time to challenge our thinking, leaders of organisations recognising what support should be provided, what education is needed and move period talk from a taboo subject to normalising conversations around menstruation and menopause.
Our team have signed up to Walk All Over Cancer in March.
We will all be completing 10,000 steps per day for the whole month and fundraising for Cancer Research.
It may sound easy but some of our team will be very challenged by this!
If you would like to donate and spur us on please donate by clicking here:
At B Hygienic we are an inclusive business, we aim to contribute to normalising a different kind of workplace culture. A culture that is open to everyone, with increased awareness of our LGBTQ+ staff and customers.
We want to wear our Diversity and Inclusivity initiatives on our sleeve. We are proud sponsors of Stoke on Trent Pride which a wonderful festival of colour, love and acceptance, whilst also creating awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community.
Pride Month is a great time to show how you embrace equality, diversity, and inclusivity in the workplace, but it’s not the only time when this matters. Equality and diversity should be embraced all year round. It’s not just about waving the rainbow flag, regular engagement, support and understanding all year long is important.
We will be celebrating this week and many of the team will be attending Stoke pride this Saturday – come along if you can!
23rd to 29th January is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week
Did you know that we can end cervical cancer?
Cervical Screening, HPV vaccinations and treatment for cell changes can all help this. Raising awareness is a key to this.
There are many reasons why people put off attending smear tests, the reasons range from embarassment, triggers, previous experience and time.
B Hygienic have been signed up for Time to Test for over a year now – your Employer should never be the reason you cannot attend health screenings – please ask them to sign up!
There are many resources out there to support you, answer any questions you may have and help you with the screening process. Both Jo’s and the Eve Appeal are great places to start.